Este curso se ofrece con el fin de mejorar las estructuras gramaticales fundamentales para una buena comunicación, reforzando las habilidades de escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir con un uso correcto de estructuras gramaticales. El curso se dictará en tres meses: GRAMMAR I, GRAMMAR II y GRAMMAR III. Para el desarrollo del curso se utilizará en texto FOCUS ON GRAMMAR 5 – A.
Este curso está dirigido a
• Público en general con conocimiento avanzado de inglés. (documento que certifique el nivel)
• Estudiantes que han terminado el Programa Avanzado en El Cultural.

PartUnit Learning Objectives
Part 1
Present, Past, and Future
Present Time:
The Digital World
Describe events, states and situations in the present.
Recognize an author’s attitude in an article about technology.
Identify main points in a conversation about identity theft.
Participate in discussion about technology, expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing.
Write a five-paragraph essay about the benefits of an electronic device.
Past Time:
Intercultural Marriage
Describe events, states, and situations in the past.
Describe past habits and situations with WOULD and USED TO.
Identify past events in an article and a news broadcast.
Discuss past events, goals, and life changes, expressing opinions and giving examples.
Write an essay about a past experience.
Future Time: Travel
Discuss future actions, plans, events, and predictions.
Identify main points in an article about travel.
Identify main points in a conversation about travel plans.
Speculate about future events.
Make predictions about the future.
Write an essay about future goals and aspirations.
Part 2
Modals and other auxiliaries
Express Degrees of Necessity
Express necessity or lack of necessity.
Recognize the author’s attitude in an article about cultural differences.
Identify suggestions make in a conversation.
Discuss cultural differences and correct behavior in different cultures.
Write an essay about a past situation that should have been handled differently.
Modal to Express Degrees of Certainty: Mysteries
Make statements with varying degrees of certainty.
Identify and author’s attitude in an academic article.
Identify main ideas and supporting details in an academic discussion.
Discuss possible explanations for various mysterious events.
Write an essay about a mystery.


PartUnit Learning Objectives
Part 3
Passive Voice


Part 1: Crime
Use the passive in the past, present, and future.
Use the passive causative to talk about services or activities that people arrange for others to do.
Identify main ideas and details in a narrative.
Identify key details in an interview.
Discuss crime stories and speculate about possible solutions.
Write an essay about a crime.
Part 2: Legends and Myths
Describe situations or states, and report ideas, beliefs, and opinions with the passive.
Identify the meaning of key concepts in an academic article.
Identify events in a news broadcast.
Participate in discussions on academic topics, expressing and supporting opinions with details.
Write an essay about a legend or myth.
Part 4
Gerunds and Infinitives
Use gerunds as subjects, objects, and complements.
Identify key concepts in an article.
Identify key details in a telephone conversation.
Talk about personal interests, likes, and dislikes.
Discuss the topic of friendship, expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing.
Write an essay describing a close friendship.
Use infinitives as subjects and objects in the simple past and passive forms.
Use verbs with infinitives and/or gerunds.
Recognize and respond to key details in an article and recorded news bulletin.
Conduct an interview and report answers to the group.
Discuss the topic of procrastination, expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing.
Write an essay describing a personal experience.


PartUnit Learning Objectives
Part 5
Count and Non-count nouns:
Use regular and irregular count and non-count nouns, and nouns that are only plural.
Make certain non-count nouns countable.
Identify the interviewee’s opinion in an interview transcript.
Comment on important details from a conversation.
Discuss health habits, supporting opinions with examples.
Write a five-paragraph essay about personal health habits.
Definite and Indefinite Articles:
Disappearing Species
Use indefinite, definite, and zero articles in a variety of different situations.
Identify key information in a scientific article.
Identify and comment on key details from a conversation on a topic of nature conservancy.
Discuss nature conservancy.
Write a five-paragraph essay about an endangered species.
Study Skills
Describe quantities and use quantifiers with count and non-count nouns.
Identify key information in an advice column.
Identify key details in a conversation about a student’s academic difficulties.
Talk about your life now compared to your life in the past.
Discuss the meaning and implications of research data on a foreign country.
Write an essay about improving study habits.
Modification of nouns:
Add more information about nouns with adjectives and noun modifiers.
Identify an author’s attitude in a magazine article.
Identify key details in a conversation.
Engage om a literary analysis of a short story.
Discuss experiences with overcoming obstacles.
La evaluación es formativa y se evalúa el desempeño del participante durante todo el periodo de cada curso mediante la participación en clase, cumplimiento en las tareas y/o trabajos asignados por el/la docente y en la plataforma.
  • Al término de los tres (3) cursos se hará entrega de una constancia de estudios según solicitud del participante. La constancia de estudios es gratuita.
  • En caso el participante desea un certificado, este se extenderá con las notas obtenidas en los tres (3) meses y previo pago del mismo.